I’ll collect the petals of the fallen flowers and keep them safe inside my journal. These petals symbolize the lost love that began with so much beauty but somehow lost its way. If you look carefully, you can find it in the eyes of those who have experienced it. My mission is to bring smiles back to those eyes. I’ll recite poems for them, write a thousand letters, and give each one to remind them of their worth.
I’ll collect the tears and show people that they are still warriors even after they cry. I’ll explain that healing isn’t always a straight path, but that doesn’t mean you’re not moving forward. These petals will stay close to me as a reminder of how easily we can take things for granted.
When love starts, it’s often filled with beauty and promise. But sometimes, along the way, it gets lost. The excitement fades, misunderstandings arise, and what was once a strong bond becomes fragile. However, this doesn’t mean the love wasn’t real or valuable. It’s in these moments of lost love that we can find lessons and strength.
Keeping these memories close, like the petals in my journal, helps me remember the beauty that was once there. It teaches me to cherish what I have and to be more mindful of my relationships. It also reminds me that even when things fall apart, there’s still something beautiful to hold onto.
Helping others find their strength and beauty after a loss is incredibly fulfilling. By sharing poems, letters, and support, I hope to show them that they are not alone. Their tears are a part of their journey, and they are still moving forward, even when it feels like they’re standing still.
Life is full of ups and downs, and it’s easy to take the good times for granted. But by keeping these petals close, we can remember to appreciate every moment and learn from the difficult ones. In doing so, we find strength, resilience, and a deeper understanding of love and life.